Friday, 30 November 2012

Beauty Blogger Tag

Hi everyone! I have mentioned several times that I will be heading on a big overseas trip and now it is so close I can taste it! I Will be heading to Vancouver on the 19th December to see my family for nine days over Christmas, then New York for three days over new years eve then off to Spain to see some more family for the rest of the time until the 25th of January.

From now until then my shopping and spending escapades will be very limited, so my posting may be slow, and when I go away I don't expect to be able to blog much at all but  oof when I get back...WOOOSHHH!! You will all be hearing about all the latest style and beauty buys I made while I was away, as well as all the amazing things we did so stay tuned and get prepared to be jealous!

I have bought a new pair of shorts lately, the MINKPINK slasher flick shorts but it felt a little bit too weird for me posting pictures of my bum in these shorts on the net so I wont do a full post on them but let me say they are fantastic!

To keep us tied over until my trip instead of abandoning my blog, I decided to do a little old beauty blogger tag that I found on the wonderful sweetaholic beauty blog.

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Curly and frizzy. Picture Hermione Granger in the FIRST Harry Potter film!

2. What is your natural hair color?
Some sort of dark brown but it is hard to say because it frequently gets streaks and slightly bleached from the sun.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
Salon always. I would never dye my hair myself it would never work properly and would never be able to get all my hair it is so thick!

4. How often do you wash your hair?
I am pretty lucky in that my hair doesn't get that oily. I usually only wash it once or twice a week because it takes so long to style and straighten. I will most likely use dry shampoo in-between washes though.

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
I will usually leave my hair out, straighten it then curl the ends to make a big voluminous wavy look. For work I will just smack it up in a pony tail so it doesn't cover my ID badge.

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
A bit of both although I don't really do either that often anymore. I'm too lazy.

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
Whenever I am wearing it??

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
Only recently started doing my toes and I like it! So will make sure my feet are always properly presentable and pedicured now no matter what the season. 

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
Anywhere between ten minutes and an hour depending on what I want to do.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
I have a habit of doing my face first but I try to keep reminding myself to do my eyes first to avoid the frustration of shadow spillage.

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
A bit of both. I try to be very frugal with my money but sometimes I go through impulsive phases where I have to buy everything that I see on all the blogs and try it for myself. I just never want to be missing out on what 'everyone' else has!

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never unless I have to on stage. I hate them. They are vile.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
No way. I am way to lazy for that and I like to let my skin recover and breathe after being covered up.

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
No. Unless I am reading through blogs and fancy having a go at a new tutorial or something, but I will usually save it for the next time I go out anyway. 

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Of course, especially if I am not planning to meet up with anyone I know. However there are always those times where I have bumped into people and sorely regret leaving the house without at least a little bit of powder or something!

16. How many high end products do you have?
Not sure. A few? Depends on what you classify as high end, but I guess more and more with every positive review of something I read.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Probably not enough. Whenever I start noticing colour mixes I don't approve of and whenever I can get around to it.

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
Only if I have to wake up early in the morning and I know I will be in a hurry. Otherwise I take my time and coordinate as I get dressed.

19. How often do you change your handbag?
When the old one starts getting tatty and falls apart haha! I'm not that into bags and will pretty much just use what i've got.

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
Depends on my shifts. I like to wake up at around nine or ten in the morning on my days off, I can't really seem to ever sleep in any later than that.

21. How often & when do you workout?
Never at the moment. I am working on changing this!!

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?
I'm a leftie :-)

23. How tall are you?
164 centimetres or five foot four I think it is. JUST outside of the 'petite' clothing size category.

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
Some Spanish.

25. How many pets do you have?
I have the one crazy and wonderful ferret Ace.

26. How often are you on Blogger?
Most days I will have a quick flick through some blogs. Though I am finding increasingly difficult to keep up lately with so many things up in the air to stress about lately.

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?
Absolutely! Especially if I am interested in the post. Get involved in the discussion!

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Yes and it is terrible because it just ends up being a massive shopping list!

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
Creer que in Spanish is to believe something or to think something. So conjugating that into creo que being I believe that... and creoquekim technically means I think that kim or something along those lines but its Spanish and I'm Spanish and its about thinking which is what I do with my blog and it sounds nice lol.

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
A regular point and shoot kinda thing.

31. How often do you clean your house? (Daily, weekly, other)
At least weekly otherwise it just gets filthy and I get a bit stressed knowing there is cleaning to do. I don't mind clutter and character as long as nothing is actually dirty.

32. What is your favorite color?
I don't know, black because it goes with everything? I do like my greens and purples too though. I can say I generally hate yellow though.

33. What is your favorite beauty/fashion magazine?
Can't say I really have one. I guess I am more into the blogs!

34. Do you swear?
I try not to because it is so horrible whenever I hear my students swear but amongst close friends I may let one slip.

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Some job hunting/deciding upon offers (yes I have more than one possible offer argh!) Then will possible visit each of my parents for some lunch and enjoy the whole weekend off because next week I will be working every day from the 3rd until the 9th!

Hope that was a little bit interesting, sorry for the lack of pics!


  1. I've nominated you for a Leibster award! Find out more here :) xxx

  2. Great post, enjoy yourself! I love your blog, you have yourself a new follower :)


  3. I really should start doing my eye makeup before my face otherwise I always get fallouts. Force of habit though :p New follower^^ X

  4. nice post :) liked it a lot! We can follow eachother on GFC/Twitter or FB if you want :)Wld love to see u!

  5. loved this!

  6. Great getting to know more about you! My hair is naturally frizzy so I feel your pain!


  7. Love reading these x


  8. check out my blog & follow if you like


  9. I agree, I am more into blogs than I am into magazines now.
    oo this is great, now we know a wee bit more about you :)
    UK High Street Fashion

  10. Wow, i love this post! :-) Love you blog, so chic... Followed you, hope you can check back and maybe follow back?


  11. Interesting tag! Like learning about your makeup routine.

    Would appreciate if you checked out my blog


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